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Transferring Names from the Central House Registration

Transferring names from the central house registration

Central house registration is a register created by the Registration Office for listing people who cannot be named in the house registration. For various reasons, such as Thai people residing abroad for a long time, and no longer have a house in Thailand. People in the central house registration cannot refer to documents or exercise rights in various cases, such as political rights and the right to request a Thai passport The petitioner must complete the transfer of the name from the central house registration first. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will then be able to renew a passport.

Transferring a name from the central house registration can be done in two methods.

1. Do it yourself in Thailand. If your passport has expired. Royal Thai Embassy will issue a temporary passport for you to return to Thailand in order to proceed with transferring your name from the central house registration to the general house registration (Tor Ror 14).

2. Authorize another person to submit a request to transfer on your behalf. Thai people residing abroad whose names and personal details are in the central house registration can be notified of transferring their names from the central house registration to enter the temporary house registration for people traveling abroad. (Temporary house registration of the registry office is a house registration issued by the Central Registration Director. Required to be prepared by every registry office. To be used to record a list of people who request to be notified of moving out of their house registration (Thor Ror 14) in order to travel abroad).In such cases, you can authorize another person to submit a request to notify you of the transfer on your behalf. Moving your name to the temporary house registration (foreign country) is to help Thai people residing abroad whose name has been moved to the central house registration to be able to exercise various rights. especially political rights Right to request a passport Without having to move into the normal house registration (Tor Ror 14), which must be done in person in Thailand.

Temporary transfer of name to house registration There are the following steps.

1. Submit a request to Royal Thai Embassy to certify the signature in "Power of attorney (For transferring the name out of the central register)”  (See details for certifying the signature in the power of attorney here)

2. Submit certified documents to the attorney in Thailand to proceed. By requesting to transfer your name to “Temporary house registration”.Transferring into a temporary house registration must be done at Only the area/district where you have domicile.