วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Mar 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 23 Aug 2023

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The Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. began its operation in 1901 as the Legation of Siam (the name of Thailand then) with Minister Plenipotentiary as Chief of Mission. Its first office was located in Arlington, Virginia, before moving to Washington, D.C., in 1913. While in Washington, D.C., the Office was relocated several times, until the Royal Thai Government acquired a plot of land at 2300 Kalorama Road in 1920. By 1921 a new office was built on the said plot which served at the Embassy for 46 years, until 1993. In 1947, the Chief of Mission was elevated to the Ambassadorial level.

With the increase in the number offices affiliated with the Embassy, it became necessary to acquire a new building. Therefore, in 1990, the Royal Thai Government purchased the present premises at 1024 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., to accommodate all offices but one under the auspices of the Royal Thai Government. The extensive renovations were completed in 1993 and the Royal Thai Embassy and its affiliated offices opened the operation in this five-story building since then. Currently, the building houses the following offices:-

  1. Foreign Affairs
  2. Office of the Defense Attaché
  3. Office of the Naval Attaché
  4. Office of the Air Attaché
  5. Office of Commercial Affairs
  6. Office of Economic and Financial Affairs
  7. Office of Agricultural Affairs
  8. Office of Science and Technology

The Office of Educational Affairs remain at its current address at 1906 23rd Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008.  The Consular office has been relocated from the premise in Georgetown to the new office in the Kalorama compound (Address: 2300 Kalorama Road, NW Washington, D.C. 20008) since Monday 9 of September 2013. 

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The Consular Office

Centennial Anniversary 
Royal Thai Government’s Building in Washington, D.C.

The 2300-Kalorama-Road plot of land was acquired by the Royal Thai Government in 1920. The building alternately housed the Chancery and the Residence before it has served as the Consular Section since 2013.

painted by Mr. Charubhumi Ruangsuwan, Counselor, Royal Thai Embassy, Washington, D.C.