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วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 1 Feb 2024

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Protection of Thai Nationals (ภาษาไทย)

A Thai National while abroad, facing difficulties and unable to help himself or herself particularly in the case of serious illness, severe living conditions, or unable to return to Thailand could seek assistance from the Thai Embassy or Consulate-general directly. Ways and means of assistance will depend on the nature of each case. Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C. has jurisdiction over 13 eastern states (including Puerto Rico and District of Columbia).

Alabama, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico


1. Requesting help for Thai people abroad

General information

In case you have relatives, who are in trouble abroad and unable to help themselves, such as being deceived, lost, sick, death and want the embassy or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help. Please fill out the information completely and truthfully in the online petition system

Help guide

1) Telephone calls to the agency or Thai communities that can be contacted easily and quickly

2) Contact friends and tell them how to get back to you, or notify US authorities to contact the Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C. or Royal Thai Consulate - General.

3) Complete an online petition (submit a petition) or email to the Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C. or Royal Thai Consulate-General. (You can check from the map below Which the embassy or the consulate-general you are in)

2. Scope of assistance for Thai Nationals abroad


1. Travelers whose property has been stolen or passport lost Click here

– Royal Thai Embassy will issue an Emergency Travel document or an Emergency Passport to be used to travel back to Thailand


2. Helping Thai people who have an accident or illness No relatives in the US Click here

– Royal Thai Embassy will contact relatives in Thailand to report accidents, illnesses, medical treatment expense management and return to Thailand. Relatives in Thailand can contact the Protection Division. Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Division of Protection and Supervision of Thai Overseas Interest Tel : 0 2575 1047 to 51 Fax : 0 2575 1052 E-mail:[email protected] or submit an online request at ehelp.consular.go.th


3. Helping Thai people who have died who has no relatives in the United States Click here

– Royal Thai Embassy will coordinate with relatives in Thailand on funeral arrangements issuing death certificate and bringing the ashes of the deceased back to Thailand. Relatives in Thailand can contact the Protection Division ministry of foreign affairs at the Protection and Custodial Division for Thais Abroad Telephone : 0 2575 1047 to 51 Fax : 0 2575 1052 E-mail : [email protected] or submit an online request at ehelp.consular.go.th


4. Assistance to Thai people in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes, epidemics or political crisis

– The Royal Thai Embassy has prepared a plan and will provide assistance to Thai people who may be affected. Including coordinating with local agencies to help in various forms.


5. Other cases such as prostitution Illegal immigration, human trafficking, labor issues, etc.

– The Royal Thai Embassy will coordinate relevant agencies where the victims have been arrested or get help. In this regard, relatives in Thailand can contact the Protection Division. ministry of foreign affairs at the Protection and Custodial Division for Thais Abroad Telephone : 0 2575 1047 to 51 Fax : 0 2575 1052 E-mail: [email protected] or submit an online request at ehelp.consular.go.th

Evacuation Plan

3. How to contact the embassy


  • Telephone 202-640-5671

On official days and hours (09:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 17:00)

(Emergencies such as accidents, disaster reports local emergency situation Severe, life-threatening illness)


Line Official (General information)

Address of the Consular Section Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C. (Protection for Thai Nationals Section)

Consular Section, Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C.

2300 Kalorama Rd., NW Washington, DC 20008 

Address of Royal Thai Consulate General in Los Angeles phone number Emergency for Thai people who need urgent assistance (323) 580-4222 or (323) 552-3227

Address of Royal Thai Consulate General in Chicago Phone number Emergency for Thai people who need urgent help (773) 294-5933

Address of Royal Thai Consulate General in New York  Telephone number Emergency for Thai people who need urgent help (646) 842-0864

In this regard, the Division of Protection and Custody of Thai Citizens Abroad, Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. has created an online community network to exchange information Educate and report the current situation You can visit or become a member at http://protectthaicitizen.blogspot.com/

Introductory information for the Thai community in the United States

การเปิดธุรกิจในรัฐแคลิฟอร์เนีย การจดทะเบียนธุรกิจ และความแตกต่างของธุรกิจประเภทต่าง ๆ

กฎหมายครอบครัว การสมรส-หย่า การคุกคามและถูกทำร้ายร่างกายจากคู่สมรส

สิทธิขั้นพื้นฐาน การเหยียดสีผิว และถูกทำร้ายเพราะความเกลียดชังเรื่องเชื่อชาติ (Hate Crime)

ทำความรู้จักประกันแต่ละประเภท Medicare, Medicaid และ Medical 
ประเภทของประกับสุขภาพ (Health Insurance) มีกี่แบบ อะไรบ้าง ?  
ความรุนแรงในครอบครัว – หากคุณประสบเหตุ ! – โปรดแจ้ง – เรามีทางออก

กฎหมายแรงงาน – สิทธิของลูกจ้างที่ประสบความรุนแรงในครอบครัว 

กฎหมายแรงงาน – สิทธิครอบครัวในรัฐแคลิฟอร์เนีย 

กฎหมายแรงงาน – เวลาพัก