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Authentication of U.S. Documents

1. Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate Jurisdiction 

The Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. can legalize documents which are originally issued in the Royal Thai Embassy's jurisdiction ONLY, which are

Alabama, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Puerto Rico


2. General Information

Authentication of documents refers to the process of validating and authenticating official documents issued by U.S. government agencies. This process ensures that the documents are genuine, accurate, and recognized as valid by other entities, such as foreign governments or institutions. Authentication is often required when documents are used internationally or for legal purposes outside the United States. 

According to the regulations issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, the Royal Thai Embassy are authorized to legalize documents bearing the Seal of the United States Department of State only, and do NOT accept Apostille.


3. Steps in the Authentication Process

3.1 State level: Please have the documents issued by U.S. agencies authenticated at the state level, specifically at the Secretary of State's office in the state where the documents were issued. Please CLICK HERE to check the state or territory that you need to contact for document authentication assistance.

3.2 Federal level: Please have the documents, which have already been authenticated at the state level by the Secretary of State’s office in the state where they were issued, further authenticated by the U.S. Department of State. Please CLICK HERE for more details on how to proceed with this level with the Authentication office, the U.S. Department of State. 

3.3 Royal Thai Embassy level: Please have the documents, which have already been authenticated at both the state level by the Secretary of State’s office in the state where they were issued and at the federal level by the U.S. Department of State, submitted to the Royal Thai Embassy for further authentication. Please see below for supporting documents required for submission for authentication at the Royal Thai Embassy.


4. Supporting Documents Required for Submission for Authentication at the Royal Thai Embassy

4.1 Fill out the Legalization Application form [Download] 

4.2 U.S documents that have been authenticated by the Secretary of State and U.S. Department of State

4.3 A copy of every page of the original documents with the Seal of the U.S. Department of State

4.4 A copy of valid passport, identification card, or driver’s license of the owner of documents or preparer

Disclaimer: The Royal Thai Embassy assumes no responsibility for the contents of the document.


5. Sevice Fees

Legalization processing fee is $15.00 per document (per seal of U.S. Department of State)

– Payment method: Payment is made by Money Order / Cashier’s Check only, made payable to “Royal Thai Embassy”.


6. Submitting Documents and Processing Time: 7-10 Business Days 

Please send the documents listed above via mail to the following address and prepare a self-addressed postage envelope for returning the documents, using any mailing carrier of your choice that provides a tracking number for document tracking. (meter stamp is NOT accepted). After the officers receive your documents by mail, it will take 7 to 10 business days to process them, not including the mailing time.  

Royal Thai Embassy 

Attn: Legalization

2300 Kalorama Rd. N.W.

Washington D.C. 20008  

Note: The embassy is NOT responsible for any loss of documents sent by mail under any circumstances**


7. Contact Information

Legalization Department

Tel. (202) 640-1439

Email: [email protected]

Line ID: @thaiembdc