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Thai Marriage Certificate (ภาษาไทย)

Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate Jurisdiction 

The Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. provides registration services for Thai nationals currently residing in the 13 states within its jurisdiction, as follows:

Alabama District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Louisiana  Maryland Mississippi
North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee  Texas Virginia West Virginia  Puerto Rico  




Important Information when Applying for a Thai Marriage Certificate

1. The married couple must submit the marriage registration application in person at the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy.

2. One of the spouses must be a Thai citizen. 

3. If the male spouse is not a Thai citizen, he must provide a certificate of single status and a letter of employment or income certification from his office or employer.

4. Both spouses must be at least 17 years old, according to Thai law (Civil and Commercial Code, B.E. 2535, Sections 1436 and 1454). If either spouse is under 17 years old, parental consent is required.

5. If one spouse is a Thai government official, a student under the supervision of the Office of Educational Affairs, or employed by any Thai government agency, approval for marriage registration must be obtained from the respective authority.

6. If either spouse has been previously registered for marriage, the party who has been previously registered must present a divorce certificate.

7. If the female spouse has been previously registered for marriage, she must proceed with a divorce from her previous spouse and change her last name in her passport and household registration to her maiden name before re-registering the marriage. This is only applicable to individuals who were previously married before June 5, 2003, and a new marriage can only be registered if at least 310 days have passed since the end of the previous marriage, except in cases of childbirth during this period, remarriage to the same spouse, a medical certificate stating that she is not pregnant, or a Thai court order allowing the marriage.

8. If the marriage was previously registered in the United States, you must update your family status in the Thai civil registration system. More information can be found by clicking here.


Required Documents for Thai Marriage Certification Registration

1. Marriage Registration Appointment Request form Download

2. A legalization form for marriage registration completed by the male and female parties (1 set each)

  • If you have never registered your marriage before Download
  • If you have previously registered your marriage Download

3. A Marriage Registration application (completed in both Thai and English) Download

4. A passport and/or valid Thai national ID card

5. A Thai House Registration specifying the 13-digit national ID number

6. U.S. Driver's License or State ID (if any)

7. Other supporting documents such as divorce certificates or name change documents, if any.


The Process of Submitting a Request for Marriage Registration 

1. Individuals who wish to request this service must send copies of the required documents for marriage registration (as specified above) to officers for verification via email at [email protected] at least 10 business days in advance (counted from the desired date of making an appointment for marriage registration).

2. After the officers have confirmed the accuracy of the documents, they will prepare the marriage registration documents and notify the couple of the appointment date for marriage registration. On the scheduled appointment date, both parties of the couple must bring the necessary documents (original copies) to submit to the officers in person at the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy at the following address:

Royal Thai Embassy (Consular Section)

2300 Kalorama Rd., N.W.

Washington D.C. 20008

3. After the marriage registration is completed, the couple will receive the marriage certificate immediately on the day of registration.


Contact information

Royal Thai Embassy, Consular Section (Registration Officers)

2300 Kalorama Rd., N.W. 

Washington, D.C. 20008

Tel. (202) 640-5325

Email [email protected]
