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Thai Divorce Certificate (ภาษาไทย)

Royal Thai Embassy/Consulate Jurisdiction 

The Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. provides registration services for Thai nationals currently residing in the 13 states within its jurisdiction, as follows

Alabama, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico



Important Information when Applying for a Thai Divorce Certificate 

1. Divorcing couples must apply for divorce registration in person at the Royal Thai Embassy.

2. For persons whose marriage was registered before 5 June 2003, the divorcing female must have a Thai passport and evidence of civil registration, which is the last name of the divorcing male to be used in filing a divorce registration request.


Required documents for Thai Divorce Registration

Please prepare the following documents Click here to download

1. Divorce registration appointment request form

2. Legalize the application form completed by the male and the female (1 set for each party)

3. Application for registration of divorce registration, 1 set.

4. Divorce agreement letter, 1 set

5. Passport and/or valid Thai National Identification card (If you are a foreigner, please bring your passport)

6. House registration that presents the 13-digit National Identification number.

7. US Driver's License or State ID (if applicable)

8. Original marriage registration certificate or a copy with a certified stamp from the district office (if not available, you must request a copy first)


Instructions for filling out documents

Filling out an application for divorce registration
1. A female must include their maiden name before marriage in parentheses. (Both Thai and English)

2. The age must be entered in full years, for example, age “30 years 7 months”, enter the age “30 years”.

Filling out the divorce agreement 
1. Divorce agreement regarding children. Please specify the number of children, full name, date of birth, and the age of each child (years of maturity) If there are children who are not yet legal of age (less than 20 years of age), you must also specify the person who will have custody of the child after divorce, If there are no children together, specify "None". 

2. If you do not want to specify the divorce agreement regarding property, write “not specified”. 

3. If you do not want to specify other matters of the divorce agreement, write “None”.


The process of submitting a request for divorce registration

1. Individuals who wish to request this service must send copies of the required documents for divorce registration (as specified above) to officers for verification via email at [email protected] at least 10 business days in advance (counting from the desired date of making an appointment for divorce registration).

2. After the officers have confirmed the accuracy of the documents, they will prepare the divorce registration documents and notify the couple of the appointment date for the divorce registration. On the scheduled appointment date, both parties of the couple must bring the necessary documents (original copies) to submit to the officers in person at the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy at the following address:

Royal Thai Embassy (Consular Section)

2300 Kalorama Rd., N.W.

Washington D.C. 20008

3. After the divorce registration is completed, the couple will receive the divorce certificate immediately on the day of registration.


Royal Thai Embassy, Consular Section (Registration Officers)

2300 Kalorama Rd., N.W. 

Washington, D.C. 20008

Tel. (202) 640-5325

Email [email protected]
