วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 17 Sep 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 8 Nov 2023

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Frequently Asked Questions about Thai National ID Card Renewal


1. Can I apply for a Thai National ID Card through the postal mail service?

No, you cannot. It is because biometric data such as fingerprints and facial images need to be recorded and stored in the passport booklet, so you must come in person to do it. Nevertheless, you will receive your new Thai national ID card immediately on the day of service.


2. Can I request services without scheduling an advance appointment?

The officer recommends that individuals who wish to apply for a Thai national ID card schedule an appointment in advance through the online appointment system. Click here to schedule an online appointment. When your appointment is successfully scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email from the system immediately. The email will specify the date and time of your chosen appointment, along with a checklist of the required documents to bring on the day of your service. This is to help you prepare all necessary documents in advance and avoid long waiting times or the possibility of not being able to process your Thai national ID card application.


3. If family members want to apply for passports at the same time, do they need to schedule separate appointments?

They must schedule separate appointments because one appointment slot can only be scheduled for one person.


4. If it is not convenient to come in person to apply for a Thai national ID card at the consular office, are there any other alternatives?

Applicants for a Thai ID card must present themselves to officers. However, the consular team will also provide a mobile consular service, which the team travels to provide services in various states within the jurisdiction. This service is provided regularly throughout a year. 

If you reside within the jurisdiction of the Royal Thai Embassy, you can find information about the mobile consular service at Mobile Consular Services page.

For further inquiries, please contact a passport officer at Tel. (202)640-5328 or email: [email protected]


5. What documents are required when applying for a Thai national ID card, and where can I find this information?

You can find information about applying for a Thai national ID card and the required documents on the website https://washingtondc.thaiembassy.org/en/page/idcardservice-en.


6. In which cases can an individual apply for a Thai national ID card in the United States, and is there a fee involved?

Requesting a new card:

  • Expired card (No fee)
  • Lost ID card (Fee paid in cash, 4 USD) 

Requesting a card replacement:

  • Damaged card (Fee paid in cash, 4 USD)
  • Cardholder changes the first and/or last name in Thai (Fee paid in cash, 4 USD)
  • Cardholder changes the first and/or last name in English (No fee)
  • Cardholder changes the title, such as from 'Master' to 'Mr.' (No fee)
  • Cardholder relocates the place of residence in Thailand (Fee paid in cash, 4 USD)


7. Is it possible to apply for a Thai national ID card before it expires?

You cannot apply for a new Thai national ID card if the current card still has a validity period of more than 60 days remaining, except in cases of a lost or damaged card, or name/address/title changes. 


8. How many years is a Thai national ID card valid for?

The Thai national ID card has a validity period of 8 years from the date of issuance.


9. If my Thai national ID card is lost, should I report it to the police?

You are not required to report it to the police. You can schedule an appointment to apply for a new Thai national ID card due to the loss of the old one, and prepare the cash fee of 4 USD to be paid on the day of your appointment. However, the officer advises that you notify your local police station to prevent your lost ID card from being misused or for potential misuse of your identity in the future (in case someone with malicious intent has access to your lost ID card).


10. If I need to change my last name in my Thai national ID card due to marriage or divorce, what steps should I take?

You need to change your last name in the Thai House Registration system before applying for a new Thai national ID card. This is because the information on the new Thai national ID card is based on the Thai House Registration database. You can initiate the process to change your last name by yourself or authorize another person to do so on your behalf through the district office or the sub-district office. Afterward, you can use the official documents indicating the name change as supporting documentation when applying for the new Thai national ID card.


11. In which cases is it not possible to obtain a Thai national ID card abroad?

Individuals who have never obtained a Thai national ID card and/or Thai citizens who have been residing abroad for an extended period of time and have their names either on the central house registration or have been removed from the Thai house registration (Tor Ror. 97) will not be eligible to apply for a Thai national ID card abroad (Refer to 13-16 for further information below)


12. What should I do if I have never had a  Thai national ID card?

Generally, individuals aged 7 years and above can obtain a Thai national ID card. However, if they have never obtained their first Thai national ID card in Thailand before, this can affect their ability to apply for the Thai national ID card in the United States. The reason being that the issuance of the first national ID card can only be done in Thailand. This restriction exists because there is a need for verification of documentation and/or personal identification, as well as compliance with legal regulations, to ensure that the issuance of the Thai national ID card is accurate and matches the individual applying for it.


13. What is the central house registration, and what should one do if their name is listed on the central house registration?

Central house registration refers to the registration of individuals who are not listed in the regular house registration (Tor Ror. 14). Individuals whose names are listed in the central house registration will not be able to apply for a Thai national ID card in the United States. It is recommended to contact the relevant registration office to request the removal of their name from the central house registration so that they can be temporarily registered for those who are residing abroad. This can be done either in person or by authorizing another person to act on their behalf.


14. What should be done to prevent Thai nationals who have been residing abroad for an extended period from having their names listed in the central house registration?

Thai nationals who have been residing abroad for an extended period should report a change of their registration from the regular house registration (Tor Ror. 14) to temporary registration for individuals residing abroad. Those listed in this temporary registration will still have the right to apply for a Thai national ID card abroad.


15. If my name is listed in Tor Ror. 97, what should I do?

Tor Ror. 97 refers to individuals who have been removed from the house registration, typically due to reasons such as having duplicate entries in the house registration, being declared missing, or being listed in the central house registration without any changes for many years. If you are someone who has been removed from the house registration, you must go through the process of reporting the removal in person. This means you CANNOT authorize someone else to do it on your behalf, unlike being in the central house registration.


16. How can I find out if my name is listed in the central house registration or Tor Ror. 97?

You can contact the Thai national ID card officer to inquire whether your name is listed in the central house registration or T.R. 97. You can reach them at the phone number (202) 640-5328 or via email at [email protected]


17. If I wish to apply for a passport and a Thai national ID card on the same day, do I need to schedule separate online appointments to request these services?

In case of Thai passport and Thai national identification card (ID card) have both expired, please ONLY schedule an online appointment for passport renewal. DO NOT schedule an appointment for Thai national ID card renewal because on the day of your service request (if your passport renewal appointment is scheduled successfully), the officer will assist you in renewing your Thai national ID card before processing your passport renewal. However, if you have never had a national ID card, the officer will not be able to issue your first ID card abroad, as the first ID card must be obtained in Thailand only.


18. Where can I apply for a Thai national ID card in the United States? 

You can make an appointment to apply for a Thai national ID card at the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C., or at the Thai Consulate-General that is most convenient for you, as follows:

Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C. 

2300 Kalorama Rd., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008

Website: https://washingtondc.thaiembassy.org


Royal Thai Consulate-General, New York

351 E 52nd St., New York, NY 10022

Website: https://newyork.thaiembassy.org


Royal Thai Consulate-General, Chicago

700 N Rush St., Chicago, IL 60611

Website: https://cgchicago.thaiembassy.org


Royal Thai Consulate-General, Los Angeles

611 N Larchmont Blvd. #2, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Website: https://thaiconsulatela.thaiembassy.org