วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Mar 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Dec 2023

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Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)


EEC at Glance

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) development lies at the heart of Thailand 4.0 scheme. The project is an area-based development initiative, aiming to revitalize the well-known Eastern Seaboard where, for 30 years, numerous business developers have experienced a rewarding investment journey and exceptional achievements.

The project initially focused on the 3 Eastern provinces, namely Rayong, Chonburi, and Chachoengsao. The EEC development plan envisages a significant transformation of both physical and social development, plays an important role as a regulatory sandbox uplifting the country’s competitiveness.

The EEC’s 12 targeted S-curve industries are: cars; smart electronics; affluent, medical and wellness tourism; agriculture and biotechnology; food; robotics for industry; logistics and aviation; biofuels and biochemicals; digital; medical services; defense; and education development.




The EEC aims to bring innovation to improve the quality of living, through “7 Smarts” solutions – Smart Mobility, Smart People, Smart Living, Smart Economy, Smart Governance, Smart Energy and Smart Environment. The overall plan is to create a “Livable Smart City” for its residents and investors where technological integration, low carbon emission, a circular economy, and access to good public healthcare and education will not only create an environment suited for innovation, but also for sustainable living.


The EEC Development Plan is integrated into the 20-year National Strategy and comprises of:

  • Development of fundamental infrastructure
  • Development of digital infrastructure
  • Development of livable smart cities and financial centers
  • Development of targeted industries that utilize advanced technology
  • Development of promotion of tourism
  • Development of human resources, education, research, and technology


 The EEC project includes three main activities:

  • Upgrading of Thailand’s transport and logistics infrastructure in order to provide a solid connectivity platform to link the EEC region with markets of the Asia Pacific, the Indian Ocean Rim, and beyond
  • Establishing areas of concentration for investments in the “New S-Curve” industries (robotics, aviation and logistics, digital, biofuels and biochemical, and medical services), such as “EECi” to promote innovation, and “EECd” to promote the digital economy. A new EEC Office has been established to facilitate investments and provide novel incentives in addition to those offered by the Board of Investment (BOI)
  • Creating areas for sustainable economic and social development through the use of new and environmentally-friendly technologies to enhance quality of life.


EEC Comprehensive Infrastructure


Project Lists

  • High-Speed Rail Linking 3 Airports
  • U-Tapao International Airport
  • Intercity Motorway
  • Double-Track Railway
  • Laem Chabang Port Phase 3
  • Map Ta Phut Industrial Port Phase 3



Promoted Zones for Targeted Industries

The EEC has designated 21 Promoted Zones to be a location for the 12 targeted industries. Investors will be eligible to receive both tax and non-tax privileges.

Promoted Zones for Specific Industries including:


More information about Promoted Zones for Targeted Industries can be found here


Investment Incentives Package for the EEC


** Additional Privileges can be found here

** For News and Updates can be found here



Last Edited: December 2023