Aged 103, Thai athlete wins four gold medals at Asia Masters

Aged 103, Thai athlete wins four gold medals at Asia Masters

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 Dec 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 20 Dec 2023

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Few athletes win gold medals in their golden years, but a 103-year-old Thai man is providing inspiration for seniors – and weekend warriors everywhere – for having won four gold medals last month at an international athletic meet.

Sawang Janpram, the oldest competitor at the 22nd Asia Masters Athletics Championships, “showcased remarkable prowess in the weight throw, discus throw, 100-meter run, and javelin,” The Nation newspaper reported. He captured gold medals in all four of those categories.

Sawang, a retired school director from Rayong province, just east of Bangkok, attributed his athletic success and long and healthy life to abstaining from smoking and drinking and sticking to a diet of mostly steamed vegetables, fish and avoiding fried foods.

Also a nature lover, he finds contentment in being surrounded by trees, which he said helped him maintain a clear and stress-free mind. He is a believer in moderate but regular exercise.

Sawang loves competitions and has previously earned medals at the National Master Sports events in Buri Ram, Satun, and Phatthalung. He has also battled against top international seniors at the Masters Athletics World Championships in China, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Thailand took home 29 gold medals at the five-day event held in Clark City, the Philippines from November 8 through 12.  The Asia Masters Athletics Championships is part of organized global competitions for athletes above the age of 35 and divided into five-year-age groups.

This year’s meet featured athletes from Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, Malaysia, India, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The next bi-annual games will be held in Indonesia in 2025.

In all, Thailand’s seniors ended the competition with 29 golds, 22 silvers, and 16 bronze medals. And gold seems to run in the Janpram family: Siripan Janpram, Sawang’s daughter, captured three gold medals.

Thailand Masters Athletics Association President Witwat Vikrantanorat commended the athletes for their dedication and determination throughout the event. He said he was more than satisfied that the team had surpassed its target of 20 gold medals.

The first Asia Master Athletics Championship was held in Singapore in 1981. Bangkok was the host city in 2004, and the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai hosted the games in 2009.

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