Thailand Business Forum: Drive your business forward in Thailand

Thailand Business Forum: Drive your business forward in Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 14 Mar 2024

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 14 Mar 2024

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As one of the leading economies in Southeast Asia, Thailand’s robust infrastructure, modern transportation, reliable telecommunications, and skilled workforce make it a strategic location for businesses looking to expand their operations in the Asia Pacific region.
On April 1, Utah companies are invited to a unique Crossroads of the World event to hear from the Royal Thai Consulate General out of Los Angeles, as well as Utah and California-based Thai companies.
This forum will brief participants on Thailand’s economic, trade, and investment priorities, as well as provide insights for Utah companies looking to kickstart business expansion in Thailand. Additionally, speakers from the private sector will share what strategies have contributed to their successes in Thailand and the U.S. The presentation will be followed by a networking lunch.
Don't miss this opportunity to explore cross-cultural collaboration with Thailand! Utah tourism, wellness, healthcare, agritech, food, aerospace, logistics, future mobility, information technology, and financial services companies are encouraged to attend.
Kindly RSVP by Wednesday, March 27.
Please reach out to Rayanne Riepl with any questions: [email protected].
This event is hosted in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and the Salt Lake Chamber.

